Verkehrsministerium genehmigte den „schwarzen Liste“ der Fluggäste
The Ministry of Transport approved the proposal to create a blacklist of passengers who violate the rules of safety and threaten the security of flight, – informs the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. The list will be created for internal use of the airlines only and all the passengers data will be kept confidential. So it will be complied with the law “On personal data”.
In the autumn the State Duma plans to consider the appropriate amendments to the Russian code, which will allow the airlines to create such a list with the right to refuse to sell tickets to delinquent passengers for up to five years.
In particular, it is necessary to specify the list of actions which include the black list, to describe the legal process of violations registration, the rules of appeal and other technical details.
The reason of innovation in the first place has become a global trend of increasing cases of inappropriate behavior of the aircraft passengers, resulting in the delay of flights, emergency landings, and as a consequence, serious losses for airlines.
Most European countries have already introduced certain measures against the troublemaking passengers. In Russia, many violations of the rules of flights are still not considered as an offense.
The law on the black list is already supported by “Transaero”, “Aeroflot” and Rosaviatsia. However, the experts believe that such a law may be an occasion for abuse. Thus, the chairman of the Consumer Rights Protection Society Mikhail Anshakov noted that the law will allow the airlines to refuse to transport the “unpleasant passengers”.
“There is a certain category of passengers that the airlines do not like. They let’s say so insist on their rights, go to the low, we do not talk only about the troublemakers on board. There are some passengers who are unwanted on board... There are, for example, people with disabilities, which the airlines do not want to deal with, because there must be the necessary infrastructure and trained staff to bring the disabled persons”, – quotes the “Izvestia” the words of Michael Anshakov.