1. Visa House
  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. Das Gesetz über die obligatorische Prüfung für Migranten wird durch Föderationsrat abgelehnt
Das Gesetz über die obligatorische Prüfung für Migranten wird durch Föderationsrat abgelehnt

Das Gesetz über die obligatorische Prüfung für Migranten wird durch Föderationsrat abgelehnt

Wir entschuldigen uns, nur die englische Version ist verfügbar.

Federation Council has rejected the law directed by the State Duma on introduction of mandatory the Russian language exam, history exam and legislation of the Russian Federation exam for work permit's obtaining in Russia, residence permit, registration or patent. Suppose, that the law will come into force since January, 1st, 2015.

As it was declared, the law needs in a number of legal improvements. The speaker of chamber Valentina Matviyenko has noted in the application that this law is correct. Also she has voiced the hope on understanding of colleagues from the State Duma on decision of the State Duma.

The Federation Council has proposed to create a joint commission with the State Duma which will take the duty of studying the document.

Concerning this exam for its successful passing, foreign experts should be able to read the text, to define its subject matter, to be able to retell subject, forming connected and logical, grammatically correct sentences and phrases. In addition, they check auding – the foreigner must be able hear and reproduce dialogue of social content. Minimum lexical volume for the exam – 850 words.

However, the new law will not be affected highly qualified foreign specialists in any event.

Montag, 30. Dezember 2013