Visafreie Einreise nach Russland für Gäste der WM 2018
According to the Interfax news agency, on Thursday the State Duma passed the law on preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
The adopted law introduces the visa-free entry to Russia for foreign fans and guests of the championship. According to the document, foreign citizens will be able to enter Russia without visas on the basis of ID documents issued on paper or in electronic form.
The law defines the concept of a “protocol route” and arranges the distribution of outdoor advertising along such routes.
As noted the chairman of the State Duma Committee for Physical Culture, Sport, Tourism and Youth Affairs Mikhail Degtyarev, the law also grants the right of free use of all means of transport to employees providing security during the championship as well as allows free travel by rail in additional trains to the accredited media personnel.
“The adoption of this bill will contribute to the improvement of legislation on the preparation and holding of 2018 FIFA World Cup,” M.Degtyarev added.
Currently, the preparation for the championship is in full swing. Starting from February 26, a free English language training program for barmen, taxi drivers and hotel staff will start in Moscow. The program is aimed at developing basic conversational skills and increasing the competence of the restaurant and hotel business staff and the employees of companies providing passenger transportation to the capital's guests. In addition, the possibility of running free language courses for entrepreneurs with small retail facilities in Moscow is being considered.