1. Visa House
  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. Die Staatsduma kann Ausländern die Registrierung von Ausländern gestatten
Die Staatsduma kann Ausländern die Registrierung von Ausländern gestatten

Die Staatsduma kann Ausländern die Registrierung von Ausländern gestatten

Wir entschuldigen uns, nur die englische Version ist verfügbar.

On Thursday the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill allowing foreigners to register other aliens in their dwelling on a migration registration.

According to the bill this opportunity is given to all categories of migrants who are homeowners in Russia.

The document emphasizes that the bill provides notification arrival of alien at the place of stay in electronic form using the federal state information system “Unified portal of state and municipal services”. This will simplify administrative procedures and reduce burden on the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

It is also proposed that citizens of the Russian Federation, foreigners, foreign legal entities and other foreign organizations outside of Russia who are ownerships of housing in Russia to fulfill obligations of receiving side through representative specified in the contract for the provision of premises or having a notarized power of attorney.

Montag, 16. Dezember 2019