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  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. S-Bahn in Sotschi wurde frei
S-Bahn in Sotschi wurde frei

S-Bahn in Sotschi wurde frei

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The “Russian Railways” JSC offers a temporary free travel for passengers of suburban trains in Sochi, – is said in the official press release from the Railways. The action will take place in accordance with the decision of the Russian government.

The decision on free travel is taken within the framework of the Winter Olympics. Free journey will be introduces for the period from February 6 to 23 inclusive. At this time, the inputs and outputs from the platforms will remain open.

On commuter routes over four hundred trips will be implemented daily. In addition to the regular trips on peak days the Railways promises to launch several additional high-speed train routes “Lastochka” (“Swallow”): the 4, 7 and 23 of February. Thus, the trains could carry up to seven thousand people per hour.

So, the action will include the Railways routes: Sochi – the Olympic Park, Sochi – Krasnaya Polyana, Adler – Airport “Sochi”, Adler – Krasnaya Polyana.

Montag, 10. Februar 2014