Russland wird mehrfache Einreisevisa an Ausländer ausstellen
Monday, September 5 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a decree № 732 “On Amendments to the Regulations on the Establishment of visa forms, procedures and conditions of registration and issuance, extension of validity, its restoration in case of loss and procedure of its annulation.”
Under the new rules, the highly qualified specialists, as well as directors of foreign companies may apply for multiple entry visas valid for three years. Previously, such kind of specialists and their families could apply only for regular work visa for the duration of the employment contract in Russia, but not more than three years.
The new rules will allow foreigners feel more at ease in Russia, leaving and returning to Russia without any bureaucratic formalities.
Today the category of highly qualified specialist is determined by the level of income. Thus, it includes specialists who receive at least 1 million rubles per year in Russia (this restriction does not apply only to foreigners involved in the project “Skolkovo”). In addition, the quota system does not spread on such employees.