1. Visa House
  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. Russland hat zum ersten Mal an der Sitzung des „Weimarer Dreiecks“ teilgenommen
Russland hat zum ersten Mal an der Sitzung des „Weimarer Dreiecks“ teilgenommen

Russland hat zum ersten Mal an der Sitzung des „Weimarer Dreiecks“ teilgenommen

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For the first time Russia has been invited to the session of “Weimar triangle”. On June, 23rd the session of the advisory forum took place and Russia was represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov.

The meeting took place in Paris. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Guido Westerwelle also took part in it. Poland was presented by Radosław Sikorski, France – by Bernard Kouchner.

The most important questions, concerning the all-European cooperation have been mentioned at the meeting, in particular, the initiative of Russia on the conclusion of the Agreement of the European security was also discussed. The participants also have supported the offer on the creation of the Russian-EC Committee concerning foreign policy and security.

“We expect the approval of this initiative by the European Union. All the participants of the today's meeting have actively supported the idea that EU makes this decision”, – agency “RIA News” quotes Sergey Lavrov's words.

The main value of the meeting is the possibility “to synchronize clocks” concerning questions not only of security, but also of cooperation in the visa field, Sergey Lavrov explained.

In this area, the participants have discussed the possibility of the transition to the visa-free mode between Russia and the European Union.

Germany and France have agreed, the first step towards the abolition of visas can be the appeal of Poland and Russia to the European Commission with the proposal to create a visa-free regime between Kaliningrad region and border regions of Poland.

Meetings of the tripartite advisory group started in 1991. For the first time the foreign ministers of member states met in German in Weimar.

Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010