Russland wird für Ausländer attraktiver
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev at meeting on progress of the financial market has set the task to create in the country the financial center attractive to foreign investors.
“I count, that the Central Bank, as well as other structures of authority in our country, as well as the Government, will play the powerful role in creation of the international financial center in the territory of our state”, – has noted the president in the speech.
As of today Russia, according to international indexes GFCI [Global Financial Centres Index], is on 68th place, but gets the potential of the global financial centers of Beijing, Shanghai and Dubai level – has declared the Head of the Ministry of Finance Alexey Kudrin.
As he said, Russia thus appears in the beginning of the list of “potentials” and has all chances to rise in a rating.
“Already now it is possible to tell, that security trading in Russian Federation, according different parameters – such as capitalization of the companies, who listing the releases, number of traded releases, the total volume of the tenders – our stock exchange of the Moscow Interbank Stock Exchange is on 10th-19th place among the world stock exchanges, and RTS is on 9th place on derivative trading among all the world stock exchanges”, – has specified the Minister.
First of all, Dmitry Medvedev has emphasized, it is necessary to create operating conditions at the Russian market more attractive to foreigners.
For this purpose corrections to the law on foreign workers which puts experts of a high level in more favorable conditions have already been approved.
Now it is necessary to solve problems with granting habitation to experts coming to Russia, with training and creation of comfortable conditions for their families.
“They should feel themselves not less comfortable, than in London, in Geneva or in New York”, – has emphasized the President. For this reason in the work on perfection of operating conditions of foreigners will take part not only the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, but also the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development and FSS.
Attraction of investors and experts is possible at realization of the whole complex of measures. As President Medvedev has noted: “As well as how this legislation is executed by the authorities here presented, and how protection of the rights and interests of businessmen protected by the law and those who will come to our market is carried out. Well and, finally, generally these are common comfortable conditions for work”.