Russisches Visum wird nach der Daktyloskopie ausgestellt werden
In the State Duma a bill on amendments to the federal law “On entering the Russian Federation and the departure from the Russian Federation” according to which all foreign nationals who receive a Russian visa will be required to pass the dactylography, – informs the agency ITAR-TASS.
The bill was presented to the members by Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov. In his statement the official said that this measure will lead Russian legislation in line with international standards and in particular implies the possibility of further mutual simplification of visa regime between Russia and EU countries. Thus, the new law allows the issuance of long-term multiple-entry visas to foreign citizens, but on condition of reciprocal simplification of visa requirements.
“We talk about increasing the duration of business, humanitarian, private, tourist visas, which will allow by exchange of notes to enter significant visa easing for the citizens of those States that are ready to introduce visa significant benefits for the citizens of the Russian Federation”, – said Gatilov.
In addition, the bill would eliminate inconsistencies and gaps relating to the work visas to foreigners and their family members who enter the country for work.
As regards the financing of the project, noted the official, the innovations will not entail any additional loading on the budget.