1. Visa House
  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. Gesundheitsministerium plant Einführung eines elektronischen medizinischen Visums
Gesundheitsministerium plant Einführung eines elektronischen medizinischen Visums

Gesundheitsministerium plant Einführung eines elektronischen medizinischen Visums

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The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is considering together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs possible introduction of electronic medical visa for foreigners. Director of the department of international cooperation and public relations of the Ministry of Health Sergey Muraviev informs about it.

Russian electronic visas are gaining more and more popularity. The proposal to introduce such category of Russian electronic visa to receive medical care was sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is emphasized that such visa is advantageous and convenient because of the quick possibility of obtaining.

Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Oleg Salagay says that electronic visas have great potential for the development of medical tourism.

The volume of medical services should reach $ 1 billion by 2024 on the scale of the national Healthcare project. The national project includes eight federal projects in various areas.

Thus, more than half a million foreign citizens used the services of specialists from Russia in the first half of 2019.

Montag, 2. Dezember 2019