In Moskau eine besondere touristische Route geöffnet wurde
In Moscow a tourist route has been opened designed especially for people with disabilities, – informs the website of the Moscow department of urban planning policy.
The route was developed with the assistance of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People and passes not only one of the central streets of the capital – the Krymsky Val, but also by the well-known park “Muzeon” and includes a visit to the halls of the Central House of Artists.
Overall, in 2014-2015 it was allocated 9 billion rubles for the development of the program “Accessible Environment”, which is aimed at improving the conditions for the movement, tourism and fulfillment facilities of disabled people in Russia.
The program “Accessible Environment” was launched in 2011 and should be completed by 2015. However, it is possible that at the initiative of the government it may be extended.