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  3. Hotels in Russland wurden zugänglicher
Hotels in Russland wurden zugänglicher

Hotels in Russland wurden zugänglicher

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The research done by online hotel reservation system hotels.com has shown that average cost of hotel rooms in Russia has decreased in the second quarter 2010.

According to the data, the payment for hotel accommodation in hotels of capital city has made up 5470 roubles – less on 34%, than for the similar period of 2009. The cost has fallen to 7% and has made up 4980 roubles accordingly in St.-Petersburg. At the same time, Moscow remains one of the most expensive, from the point of view of tourism, world cities.

In Europe on the contrary the prices for placing in hotels have grown up for the first time since 2007. On the average, this growth has made up 2%, however today hotels could not return to pre-crisis level of 2004.

So, according to an analytical portal trivago.co.uk, a cost of the room in the European hotels has grown in the beginning of September in comparison with August on 8%. So, residing at a standard double room will cost 116 euros that, however, below the price of September 2009 when cost of such room made up 129 euros.

The most expensive hotels in Europe are in Geneva and Venice – the residing at them will cost on the average 197 euros.

Montag, 20. September 2010