1. Visa House
  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. FMS gab eine Notiz für Arbeitgeber, die Ausländer einstellen
FMS gab eine Notiz für Arbeitgeber, die Ausländer einstellen

FMS gab eine Notiz für Arbeitgeber, die Ausländer einstellen

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The Federal Migration Service of Russia created a special memo for Russian employers who hire foreign specialists. The memo is posted on the official websites of the FMS and of the Federal Tax Service. From January, 25 this year, it will be distributed in the tax service offices in all Russian cities, – informs the agency “Interfax”.

The memo will include legal information and will help the employer to comply with all laws when hiring foreigners, including highly qualified specialists.

Zalina Kornilova the spokesman of the FMS says to the media: “We hope that collaboration with the FTS will serve as a preventative measure to combat illegal migration. In addition, as a result of our collaboration the state budget will receive additional revenue from taxes”.

In addition to legislation, the memo contains information about the employer's liability for breach of rules of foreigners’ employment. In particular, the information about the amount of fines paid by employers in 2011 can be found.

The issue of the memo coincided with the statements of Konstantin Romodanovsky, the Head of the Federal Migration Service, to toughen penalties for illegal migration and proposal of Vladimir Putin on criminal liability for owners of face apartments that register a great number of illegal immigrants.

Montag, 30. Januar 2012