1. Visa House
  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. „Dialog in St. Petersburg“. Über die Abschaffung der Visa zwischen Russland und Deutschland
„Dialog in St. Petersburg“. Über die Abschaffung der Visa zwischen Russland und Deutschland

„Dialog in St. Petersburg“. Über die Abschaffung der Visa zwischen Russland und Deutschland

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On Thursday, 17 July, in Bavaria in the residence of the Bavarian Kings completed another Russian-German Forum “Dialogue in Saint Petersburg”.

Summit lasted three days. During the meetings were adopted important economic, political and social solutions to develop cooperation between the two countries.

It was suggested to create an international legal energy regulator and joint Picture Academy. Also in the report, which was presented at a meeting with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev as co-chairman of the Forum, and the first Vice Prime Minister of Russia Viktor Zubkov, was suggested to cancel the visa routine between Russia and Germany. “Visa routine is relic, it should be cancelled” underline Viktor Zubkov.

In his speech during the final discussion Dmitry Medvedev supported the initiative of facilitation of visa routine. “This proposal should be obligatory supported” said the President.

This initiative should contribute to the development of tourism between the two countries and optimize the maintenance of international business.

On the other hand, to implement the project Germany must obtain the consent of all countries – Schengen members. That may be difficult. As Europe expresses its worries in case of cancellation of visas of the flow of refugees from the former USSR countries.

Forum “Dialogue in Saint Petersburg” was initiated in 2000 by Vladimir Putin Gerhard Schröder. Annual Forum alternately passes in Russia and Germany. For optimal functioning of the Forum were established standing committees – Russian Committee from March 2009 is headed by Viktor Zubkov, German – from December 2005 by Lothar de Mézières. Before that committees were directed by Mikhail Gorbachev and German journalist Peter Benisch.

Annual meetings are attended by 60 prominent figures from both countries. The rubric of the meetings, planning, membership and all technical questions are assumed by Coordinating Committee. Its meetings are organized during the year when necessary, and for discussing the questions given during the “Dialogue in St. Petersburg”, appropriate specialized working groups are gathered.

Forum is supported by the State and private foundations.

Among the objectives of the “Dialogue in St. Petersburg” is creation of a tolerant Russian-German society, the elimination of prejudices, common economic and cultural programs. In the activities of Forum major politicians, economists, academics, journalists and public figures of both countries take part.

Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009