Die Grenzen Polens, Weißrusslands und Moldawiens werden für Russland geöffnet
According to RIA Novosti, some countries are resuming flights. The Polish authorities have excluded Russia from list of countries prohibited from entering Poland.
Moldova from September 1 opens its borders for Russian citizens. The National Emergency Public Health Commission has included Russia in list of countries of the “green zone” of countries, tourists from which do not need to undergo quarantine upon arrival. This list includes countries with less than 50 cases of infection per 100 thousand people.
The list of countries of the “red zone” includes 53 states. Among them there are Ukraine, USA, Spain, France, Israel and number of others.
Russia and Belarus reported on the step-by-step restoration of transport links, but exact time has not been determined.
Russkiy Mir said that passenger flights to some CIS countries will resume in early autumn.
Russia resumed international flights with Great Britain, Turkey, Tanzania, Switzerland from August 1. The first flights departed from Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don.