1. Visa House
  2. Die Neuigkeiten
  3. Die Anzeige der touristischen Kapazitäten der Hauptstadt ist eines der vorrangigen Objekte
Die Anzeige der touristischen Kapazitäten der Hauptstadt ist eines der vorrangigen Objekte

Die Anzeige der touristischen Kapazitäten der Hauptstadt ist eines der vorrangigen Objekte

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On Monday 29th June in Moscow took place the meeting of vice-mayor of Moscow on the problems of the inter regional cooperation, sport and tourism in the government of Moscow Sergey Berdakov and head of the committee of Moscow tourism Gregory Antyufiev with the administrators of the hotels and tour operators.

The participants of the meeting discussed the problems of the development of the capital with a view to the attraction for the foreigners.

The tourist branch nowadays is one of the leading directions of the Russian Economic. To realize this direction was created a special work group responsible for the conception of the federal special-purpose program “Development of the tourist recreational complex till 2025”. The program became one part of the chain of measures against crisis of Moscow government.

According to this tendency the Moscow government included the tourist development in Moscow in the program of transformation Moscow into the world financial centre. Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov signed order of the creation of the common manager company for all Moscow hotels. The total number of the hotel area is planned to be redoubled. The infrastructure and the quality of the hotels of the capital will be also improved.

As one of the most important problems of the tourist attract in Moscow was called the bad advertisement of the tourist capacities of the city in the world and in Russia. In particular, on the meeting Mr. Antyufiev told that Russia doesn’t have any active tour representations in other countries and 95% of the active tour companies work exceptionally for the external tourism. Mr. Antyufiev said that “Many countries gave more investments for the promotion of their capacities in Russia. The annual income from the tourism in the city treasury is no less than 7% from the total income, it is approximately $3.5 milliard”.

This year because of the crises the tourist stream in the capital reduced for some last months. The middle charge of the Moscow hotels for the past months is only 40-45%. So the financing of the programs, like “Garland Russian estates”, “Golden Ring” and others.

The participants of the meeting decided that it is also important to organize the meeting of Minister of sport, tourism and junior politics of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko with the representatives of Russian tour business and optimize the advertisement of the tourist capacities of Russia.

Montag, 6. Juli 2009