South of Russia will be united into the single tourist zone
Prime minister of Russia Vladimir Putin during his speech in Kislovodsk has supported and approved the ten years plan for the development of region offered by Vice-premier Alexander Khloponin. In particular, this plan mentions the problems of the development of the tourist branch on North Caucasus.
As Putin has noted, practically each republic of North Caucasus has something that can become a basis of tourist activity. “In the most different directions, mountain-skiing, ethnographic, cognitive, and simply for family vacations”, – newspaper “” quotes Putin. Even at the moment – prior to the beginning of action of the program – 1.8 million tourists have visited the region.
The idea of the project was stated earlier by the governor of Stavropol Territory – the idea on a resort “with access within two hours”. For the realization of the idea, it was offered to create the tourist ring in the south of Russia, which will unite in the single complex balneological resorts of Mineral Waters of Caucasus, mountain resorts of Karachaevo-Circassia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The reconstruction of the Military-Sukhumi road, which connects Karachaevo-Circassia and Abkhazia, is also supposed.
“As the starting project we suppose to generate the single complex of mountain-skiing tourism from Caspian Sea up to Black sea. We shall be skiing,” – has noticed the prime minister.
These resorts, and first of all downhill skiing resorts, should accept up to hundred thousand tourists at a time. The cost of trips to these resorts, according to Putin, must not exceed the cost of similar trips to Turkey and Switzerland.
Besides the problem of the development of the tourist branch for the realization of the potential of the region, this plan will help to cope with one more problem: the unemployment.
“Permanent unemployment is, perhaps, the sharpest social and psychological trouble of North Caucasus. Each fifth resident today cannot find work. And in Ingushetia more than 50% of workable population are unemployed, in the Chechen Republic – 30%”, – has emphasized the Prime minister.
Creation of the single complex in the region can provide work for about 160 thousand local residents.
To attract foreign tourists in the near future it is planned to improve a transportation system of the region. In particular, the reconstruction of all airports of North Caucasus will be fulfilled. The development of the highways, which will go around the large cities, is also planned to avoid the problems of traffic jams and the deterioration of ecology.
“Overall, we see actual prospect of embedding of North Caucasus in the international transit corridor North-South, which will connect Russia and Europe with the states of Persian Gulf and Central Asia”, – has noted Putin.