Romodanovsky: “Solo las personas necesarias trabajarán en Rusia”
Konstantin Romodanovsky in the interview to the channel “Russia-24” emphasized the importance of a competent immigration policy for the Russian economy.
“This is not the way of prohibition, but the creation of mechanisms that enable people to choose the right option and work in Russia”, – said the head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.
Thus, at present there are 18 options for the registration of foreigners in Russia and 7 options for the opportunity to get a job here. And each of the foreign specialists, depending on qualifications and potential employment, has its regime and the documentary status.
“We do not forget that only necessary people should work in Russia, not those who simply wish to be hang out in Moscow and other Russian cities creating problems for us”, – emphasized Romodanovsky.
The legislation on migration policy changes regularly. For example, July 1, 2010 a law on patents came into force. Together with the regulation of migration flows, the changes created preferences for foreign highly qualified specialists. And in December, such specialists got additional benefits in accordance with national programs of modernization and innovation. Emphasis was laid primarily on those foreigners who can invent something new for Russia.
As the director of the Federal Migration Service of Russia said, in 2010 in Russia were registered more than twenty three thousand skilled and highly qualified foreign specialists. This does not entirely fulfill the inquiries of the Ministry of Economic Development, but the first steps toward bringing highly qualified specialists are made. And they were made in 2010, therefore, that makes to believe that in 2011 the results of the changes in legislation will be higher.