FMS puede hacer patentes laborales para extranjeros sin términos
According to the information of the “Rossiya Segodnya” International News Agency, the Russian Federal Migration Service prepared a draft bill providing for the possibility for foreign workers staying on the territory of Russia to be exempted from the need to renew the patent. At the moment, the patent is valid for three months, and a fine which threatens the employer for breaching of the renewal process, can be equal to 500 thousand rubles. According to the existing rules, to extend the patent the employer must provide the FMS with a written statement and a whole set of documents.
At that, the information supplied by the employer practically duplicate the data on foreign workers provided by the tax inspection. The duplication of data will stop after the adoption of the bill, and the extension will be carried out automatically on the basis of information received from the tax inspections.
In fact, the new law will unload both the employer and the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service.
It is worth mentioning that since the beginning of the year more than 300 patents for labor activity have been issued for foreign citizens in Russia, while the cost of patent is 4000 rubles per month.