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Duma endurece el castigo por comportamiento desordenado en los aeropuertos

Duma endurece el castigo por comportamiento desordenado en los aeropuertos

Nos disculpamos, solo la versión en inglés está disponible.

Last week Duma has adopted a number of amendments to the Code of administrative violation, which extends the retaliation for violation of public order on board of aircraft and in airport.

Thus, for drinking alcohol one can get a fine from one to five thousand rubles. For use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs without prescription, the fine will be between two and a half and five thousand rubles.

In accordance with new regulations, the penalties for violation of the legitimate demands of the Commander of the flight and of the crew were increased. Such requirements according to the newspaper “Commersant” include excessive noise, smoking, unfasten belt, other violations of public order. As explained to the “Newspaper” the Deputy Minister of transport Sergey Aristov: “Commander can give first oral warning to the passenger, demanding to stop violation of the rules, and then he has the right to use physical force in case of need”. Upon arrival the troublemaker will be given to militia. For such violations, the passenger may be fined for five thousand rubles or even arrested for up to 15 days.

Another area of passenger liability – rules of aviation security. That means, in particular, carrying or assistance in carrying luggage that was not inspected, or substances forbidden in the plane. Here fine for private persons varies from one to three thousand rubles, for officials from ten to thirty thousand. In this same area of responsibility comes damage to property of the airline or the airport.

For applications of such amendments, airlines insist for several years. The more that according to the MVD number of troublemakers on aircraft grows constantly. Often their actions cause substantial material losses to the airlines. Thus, according to the “Newspaper” in 2007 for violation of the order in the plane 245 people was delayed, and for nine months of 2009 only in Moscow region about 400 of such incident were already registered.

Airlines believe that the bigger fines will help. In Russia, these sanctions are minimal – fine for such violation in Europe is up to several thousand Euros.

There will be face-control for pre-filtering of troublemakers, which will reveal “dangerous” passengers prior to landing on board. As said to the “Newspaper” the chief of information department, legal security and international cooperation of the Department of law enforcement in Transport Ministry Vyacheslav Volodin, such controllers will have sufficient authority to delay the passenger for being drunk, for example. If such passenger will get on board, flight attendants will take him off.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009