1. Visa House
  2. Noticias de Visa
  3. Régimen sin visado entre Rusia y países de Asia y el Golfo Pérsico
Régimen sin visado entre Rusia y países de Asia y el Golfo Pérsico

Régimen sin visado entre Rusia y países de Asia y el Golfo Pérsico

Nos disculpamos, solo la versión en inglés está disponible.

Russia is negotiating establishment of visa-free regime with states of the Persian Gulf and Asia. Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Ivanov stated about it.

The diplomat did not name countries and only stressed that such mutual work is quite successful. He mentioned the signed agreement with the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. These countries have already introduced conditional visa-free regime for Russians.

The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation added that some Asian states are also considering introduction of visa-free regime with Russia.

The unified e-visa system for foreigners is ready, but its start will be discussed only in 2023.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier instructed to work out issues on e-visa by the end of this year, but it was not possible to do this on time. E-visa will be available to citizens of even unfriendly states.

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022