El gobierno ruso ha aprobado el proyecto de ley sobre un nuevo sistema de emisión de visados para ciudadanos extranjeros
During a meeting of the Russian Government Commission the Government has considered and has approved the bill of issue of visas to foreign citizens on a period of validity of temporary residence permit in Russia.
“It is provided that when obtaining temporary residence permit by the foreign citizen in Russia the competent authority issues to him the visa of temporary resident or prolongs the term of validity of such permit without additional address of the citizen”, – it is said in the message.
It should be noted that the foreigners and apatrides who have got temporary residence permit in Russia go and leave the country based on the valid documents proving their identity and the visa issued on validity period of temporary residence permit in Russia.
Now the foreign citizens having temporary residence permit can be brought to the administrative responsibility in case if they have shown the permit and the visa according to which they went and which validity period has expired.