1. Visa House
  2. Noticias de Visa
  3. Los extranjeros violados la ley pueden estar permanentemente prohibidos a la entrada Rusia
Los extranjeros violados la ley pueden estar permanentemente prohibidos a la entrada Rusia

Los extranjeros violados la ley pueden estar permanentemente prohibidos a la entrada Rusia

Nos disculpamos, solo la versión en inglés está disponible.

A law significantly toughening the rules of entering the country for foreigners who have committed a criminal or administrative offense can be passed in Russia. For very serious crimes, the law foresees a lifetime ban on entering the Russian Federation.

The bill is prepared by the deputy head of the faction “Fair Russia” Oleg Nilov – reports the newspaper “Izvestiya”.

In particular, as very serious crimes mentioned in the law are considered: the illegal distribution and possession of drugs, crimes against the personal immunity and individual freedom, crimes inflicting grievous bodily harm, kidnapping, murder, robbery, extortion, fraud and brigandage, as well as crimes against public security and constitutional system of the country.

Criminals who have committed administrative offenses three or more times or have once violated the Tax Code of Russia will also be limited to the right to enter the country for ten years.

As noted the author of the bill Oleg Nilov: “Besides punishment our bill has preventive functions too. A foreigner thinking about committing a crime on the territory of our country should understand that he will not only be punished due to the Criminal Code or the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation but he can also become a persona non grata in Russia for a long time or even for life”.

Meanwhile, interviewed by the newspaper “Izvestiya” experts stress that the law with such an extensive list of crimes some of which are moreover difficult to punish, may lead to opposite results in the end, such as an extension of the corrupt system and the growth of cases of illegal employment of foreigners in Russia.

According to the FMS data, at the end of 2013 the number of foreigners in Russia reached 11 million people, the majority of whom work in Moscow.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014