El horario de los trenes gratuitos se determinará para el período del WC de 2018
According to the letter of the Director General of the Transport Directorate of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in the Russian Federation Kirill Polyakov, during the Championship most free trains will run only from Moscow to the host cities and back. Trains schedule is made in accordance with the results of opinion polls, the capacity of transport infrastructure and the experience of the 2017 Confederation Cup during which more than 60,000 fans from 100 countries used the right of free travel.
“Taking into account these parameters, the final schedule of 728 additional trains running in 46 directions has been set up in such a way that the majority of additional trains will go from Moscow and back after the match and a part of trains will run among the host cities of the 2018 FIFA World Cup without a stop in Moscow on ‘follow your team’ principle if the travel time does not exceed 24 days,” the document says.
To use the free travel between the 2018 FIFA World Cup cities, football fans need to purchase a ticket for the match and get a FAN ID. After that it is necessary to register on the website www.tickets.transport2018.com, create a personal account and specify the number of the ticket. After registering and choosing the route, the fan receives a confirmation message sent to the specified e-mail address and including a landing coupon and all necessary information (place and time of the special train departure/arrival, number of train and seat, list of documents required for presentation when boarding a train).