La entrada en Rusia a los automovilistas extranjeros se simplifica
It will become easier to foreigners to cross the Russian boundary on own cars.
Since June 20, 2012 at the customs new rules will come into effect which will allow citizens of the European Union to cross border through the international automobile check points with the registration card of multiple use without filling in of the passenger customs declaration.
These rules are in the order of Federal Customs Service of Russia from December 27, 2011 No. 2621 “About the confirmation of the Order of execution and use of the registration card as the passenger customs declaration in case of multiple relocation of cars, motorcycles for private use through customs border of “Customs union” and concern foreigners which cross a border on an individual transport on border of Russia (the countries of the Customs union).
The card will contain information on the owner of a car, in particular, his surname, his name and his patronymic, and also data of his car, such as VIN, registration number, make of car, model and vehicle type. In case of each crossing of the border the date of entrance and of departure will be indicated. The card will be confirmation of validity of stay of the car in the territory of Russia.